I'm sure you all were constantly checking back to see what happened when I went to the doctor about my chest issue. Well, I'm pregnant. Just kidding! What the hell would my chest have to do with being pregnant? Anyway, it just turned out to be a pulled muscle(s) afterall. Check out the diagram to see the specific area in question. I have colored it lime green. This is EXACTLY what I look like, btw:
So I got orders to stop lifting weights until everything heals. It will be rough on my body-building career, but, ya know, ya gotta do what the doc says. I did 30 minutes on the treadmill tonight, making sure to keep my entire upper body still. I hated it. But I *did* get to watch Chad Lowe talk to Larry King about how he's not at ALL resentful of his brother ROB LOWE and his ex-wife HILARY SWANK. Yeah, right, Chad. And the sky isn't blue, and Heidi Klum isn't insanely hott, and pigs in a blanket aren't the best food ever. Get a grip, Rob. Oh, sorry, I meant Former Mr. Swank.
But, on the bright and much less bitchy side, I was out of the doctor's by 1:30. I came home and boiled a chicken (see previous post) for Mark and then took a much needed nap after getting zero sleep last night. Ross and I had a HUMUNGO fight, but everything is fine now. I think we are both just really exhausted and I'm looking forward to tomorrow evening when neither one of us has anything to do.
I came home from the gym and went into a cleaning frenzy in the kitchen. The smell of chicken is all over my house and it kind of makes me want to throw up. This is why I don't cook the meat. Or anything. I'm terrified that salmonella is lurking in every corner. Consequently, every corner got scrubbed and rescrubbed with Clorox Hard Surface Cleaner. And then I threw away my rubber gloves.
The Matt and the Maura are supposed to be here this weekend and I feel much excitement in my heart about this. I talked to Stephanie on the ol' IM tonight. I had been thinking about her all day and POOF! there she was. She makes me miss her and college.
The superintendent comes tomorrow. We all need to make sure we look spiffy and that all chaos is kept to a minimum.
I feel very nauseated. It's either salmonella or the 18lbs. of Doritos I ate for dinner. Hmmmm.
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