Thursday, January 11, 2007

In reference to a comment on my last post.

Listen, anonymous, until you have the guts to actually post who you are, I would shut your face. I never said I hated my job, I said I wasn't liking it right now. And yes, believe it or not, sometimes it's hard to love a job where you spend most of the time getting yelled at by people who do not value you as a professional and are more concerned with being right than with the welfare of their child. And sometimes I don't like how I'm sick 9 months out of the year because kids sneeze in my face all day. It's not always fun dealing with children being blatantly disrespectful to adults and other children. Call me crazy.


Maura said...

I think getting hate posts is a step towards blogger fame.

Robinitaface said...

This is when i KNOW we're related.

J in Ric said...

screw the trolls, val. you rock.

Unknown said...

You not only got a nasty comment, you got one that uses bold font. That's like getting a business class nasty comment.

Anonymous said...

I think all teachers deserve a medal and combat pay! Or at least free Prozac! Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

"it's not always fun dealing with children being blatantly disrespectful to adults and other children"

no shit sherlock.
still would not want you teaching my kid's obvious you can't even do simple division.

Val said...

You are obviously a silly person who has nothing better to do than be mean. Also, using a conversation that occurred between my husband and I in which I made one mistake (that was hilarious) as support for the idea that I shouldn't teach makes you absolutely ridiculous.

Val said...

And FYI, I am now pretending that "Business Class" doesn't exist. When he/she post comments, all I will see is "Whah whah whah whah whah."

Anonymous said...

whah wha whah i guess this means you can't read either whah whah whah

Val said...

Did somebody hear something? No, I didn't either.

Anonymous said...

eh? you say you're deaf, too?
well now, you've won me over! you are indeed teh best teacher evah!!!