Monday, February 12, 2007

One Less

As many of you know, if Ross is interested in something it is all we discuss at the Catrow house. Honestly, I oftentimes just nod my head and grunt in response to Ross's soap-box and/or nerded-out moments, but his latest issue of concern is actually of interest to me, both as a woman and a responsible citizen. Wait, that *might* imply that women aren't responsible citizens, but I think you get what I mean.

You might be familiar with the One Less campaign that's been on TV as of late. It advocates women and girls getting a vaccination for HPV, a virus that up 75% of women will get at some point AND is responsible for 90% of cervical cancer cases. If you are woman who takes good physical care of yourself and your parts, i.e. you go to the gynecologist every year, get your pap smear, do your breast exam every month, you are going to be somewhat prepared if ever presented with a dreaded diagnosis of cancer because you will probably detect it very early. I would consider myself one of these women. I am very aware of what is going on with my body. Not only that, I am in a monogomous relationship and do not engage in what some might call "risky behavior" that might expose me to STDs. However, I'd jump at the chance to get a vaccination that makes yet another woman's issue a non-issue for me.

The CDC is recommending that all girls (because HPV seems to have no lasting effect on boys) get this vaccination before going into middle school, along with the whole other round of shots they get. Legislators in 10 states are even working to make it a requirement, just MMR vaccinations and the like. Women and girls who want the vaccine are even having trouble getting it.

And yet there are some people who believe that vaccinating kids against an STD will encourage them to have premarital sex because, hey, it will be one less thing for them to worry about. I mean I know that once I got my tentanus shot before going to college I ran right out and tap-danced on some rusty nails because finally I was free!!!!!!! Now that I have my flu shot, I'm going to go lick every doorknob in school BECAUSE I CAN!!!!!! I hope you sensed my sarcasm.

We need to weigh the options here. Do we really want to run the chance of more women and girls getting cervical cancer because we think giving them a shot will give them the greenlight to go have sex? I guarantee if you ask any sexually active or non-sexually active teenager what scares them about having sex they will say A) pregnancy B) HIV/AIDS C) my parents finding out and killing me. I really don't think you will hear much concern over HPV or cervical cancer. It's not an issue for them and it doesn't have to be. We have a vaccine for a virus that leads to cancer. Did you read that? A vaccine for cancer. I was sure flying cars would come first. I'm just thanking my lucky stars here and maybe everyone else should be doing the same.

1 comment:

Justin said...


I totally agree. HPV sucks. I like girls.

