Tuesday, February 06, 2007

God owes me a snow day.

So the death I caught either never went away, came back, or mutated into something that has created a large, spiky lump in my throat. Regardless, I came home today not feeling well at all. We have Bible study on Tuesday nights. I haven't been for weeks, usually because I was sick (surprise surprise) or I had a PTA thing to do. Ross really wanted me to go this week, so I decided that I would come home and get some rest so I could feel well enough to make it.

Well, Shooter had other plans. Usually my dogs are the best napping dogs in the world. Shooter sleeps near your feet to keep them warm and Zapp is about the snuggliest dog ever. Zapp was doing her part, but Shooter thought this time would be better spent engaging in his OCD rituals (sniffing the outlet and doorknob) and doing his annoying huffing bark at every noise or non-noise in, around, or within 50 miles of the house. Consequently, no sleep was gotten.

Ross came home ready for us to head off. I tried to get out of it, but he wasn't having any of it. We're watching a DVD series in Bible study right now and apparently during the last few meetings Ross has gotten cynical and had trouble expressing his frustrations (as robots often do). He needed me to be there to translate and label his feelings for him so he wouldn't offend anyone and get us excommunicated. So I went. In the freezing cold.

It wasn't bad. I got a free sub and the DVD lesson didn't short circuit Ross. I also got to sit next to the woodstove which was nice. I'm not sure how I feel about having a Bible study based on lessons given by a guy that we can't challenge or talk to, but hey. My head was and is pounding though from being conscious and I'm exhausted beyond belief.

So, I thought with all of my sacrifices, there was sure to be some snow falling from the sky by the time we got in the car to go home. There wasn't. There better be snow tomorrow. I mean, yeah I know God let his only son die for all of my sins, but I gave up napping to watch a DVD and babysit my husband.

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