Monday, February 19, 2007


Apparently I caught a little something from dear Remus while I babysat him on Saturday night. I had all 45 minutes of direct contact with him, but I guess that was enough to pass along some variation of his funk. I was akwakened by a cramping stomach and wicked nausea this morning. Once my body was vertical for more than 5 minutes, the toilet and I became good friends for awhile. Needless to say, I didn't make it into work and I'm sure that all of my colleagues think I'm playing hooky on what would have been a day of staff development. Trust me, I would much rather be developed than vomit anyday.

Luckily, I'm feeling much better already. My fever seems to be gone and I can think about food without wanting to die. Thank the Lord for quickly passing near death experiences.


Kramva said...

Hope i cannot get it from reading the blog. i've heard about computer virues, so i am bit worried. hopefully my mac will protect me.

hope you are feeling better.

Kristin said...

Oh my god, I had that last week for three days . There was a fleeting moment during which I actually had the thought "I totally get euthanasia now" which is horrible. But it is that wicked. Be careful, as my doc said for every day you throw up, it will take two days to recover.