Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Again, there is something seriously wrong with me.

  • I was the one that pointed out that the cartoon, talking igneous rock in today's Science video looked like a piece of poop.
  • I was offered a piece of chocolate today and TURNED IT DOWN.
  • In the car on the way home from the gym I head Lionel Richie's "Once, Twice, Three Times a Lady" and started bawling.
  • I am completely obsessed with the proper functioning of the folding door I just installed. Like to the point where I bet I won't sleep tonight.
  • I have a very hard time *not* sharing with Ross what I learn during my kids' family life classes, such as the difference between sperm and semen. That's right. I just said sperm and semen.


Robinitaface said...

you must be pregnant.

big fat j/k!

Justin said...

Wait, is there a difference?

I mean one contains the other, yeah? Is that a thing?