Friday, August 25, 2006

Stupid Chemical Imbalance.

I spent most of today in bed. I didn't sleep last night because I spent most of yesterday in bed as well. We'll see how it goes tonight.

My diagnosis with an anxiety disorder was essentially a diagnosis of depression. It's by no means debilitating, but occasionally (typically with the onset of every girl's most favorite time of the month) it seems that even medication cannot battle the wicked drops in seratonin that I experience.

As these drops occur, every part of my life that I'm stressed about or sad about comes rushing to the forefront of my brain, sending me into a mope that would put even the most emo of teenagers to shame. I am currently fighting one of those mopes, so don't expect anything funny. A kind word or two would help, though.


Kristin said...

Cute puppies.

Two of the kindest words anyone could write.

andi said...

I, too, have had quite a mopey day, so I can sympathize. Hope you get to feeling better, and I miss you!

I'm Jennifer said...

I hope you're doing better today! These days must be hard to get through but don't lose hope; you will have a brighter day and you'll be stronger as a result of this trial!
I want you to know your next post a/b communion bread was absolutely hysterical, it's still causing James and me to chuckle. Thank you for all that you do for others to brighten their days!

Anonymous said...

I think you're pretty brave for writing about this and I'm happy you did.