Friday, August 04, 2006

Should I be mad?

I encouraged Ross to watch this video of Britney Spears today so he could laugh at how ridiculous she is. While watching it he said, "Valerie (and he's serious when he says my name), you have no right to make fun of this woman. If I posted a video of some of the things you say and do when it's just the two of us, people would think you're an idiot, too." And all this time I thought he felt priveleged to be the only one who got to see my retarded (yeah, I know I shouldn't say that, but I did) side.


Anonymous said...

I made Chris watch the same thing.

Robinitaface said...

I'll admit, I watched the video too. While the general public might not think you had developed a method of time travel, I would imagine that, at least, you would be coherent in your version of the video - instead of simply repeating, "Huh?" belching, jerking your head, and smacking the table.