Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stolen from James Lipton and Kristin over at DoubleVision (ps love your blog)

1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?
Specific (because a lot of people can't say it)

3. What turns you on creatively?

4. What turns you off?
People who cannot handle change

5. What is your favorite curse word?

6. What sound or noise do you love?
My dogs singing with passing fire engines

7. What sound or noise do you hate?
Any noise that is repeated over and over again

8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Nurse or midwife

9. What profession would you not like to do?
Factory worker

10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I understand.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I love yours, too.