Monday, August 14, 2006

Rock the Cradle of Love

There's no other reason for that title than that I've got the song in my head.

I think I may have a summer cold coming on. Or I just need to clean up all the dust in my house. It's probably the latter.

I got my $0.99 jeans today and I must say, I am a satisfied customer. They are already broken in for me which is awesome. It's weird though because they are the same type of jean, same size, but one pair is longer than the other. Not a problem, just weird. I know have a bid on some khaki pants on ebay. We'll see how that works out. Pretty soon I'll be buying groceries off of there.

So, we sold Ross's car. RIP Honda Civic Si. But now we get to pay off my car, have some left over, and not have a car payment every month anymore. Having one car is working out fine now, but we haven't had a rainy day yet. We shall see.

I sat on, I mean *for* Remus today. We played on the floor, practiced his sitting up skills, he chewed on his hand a lot because he finally cut his first tooth, and we danced around a lot. Then he started screaming, I fed him, and he passed out. I'm going to start calling myself "The Baby Whisperer."

I'm starting to hate the children who live next door to me. They yell and scream all day long. All. Day. Long. And they lose their dog all the time and are constantly calling her name. From this post you all know that I don't like it when such things happen. The worst part is, her name is "Mocha Cappuccino Jones." Seriously. And they call her entire name when she runs off, I guess so she won't get confused, what with all of the other Mocha Cappuccinos out there. I don't know how to spell Cappuccino. Fortunately I *can* spell Mocha and Jones.

I get to see my good friend Abby from UR tomorrow. She and her fiance are in town. I love love love Abby, but haven't seen her since my wedding. She was the only English major who I didn't want to punch in the face. As an English major myself, I wanted to punch myself in the face, because I was a really lousy/dumb/lazy/Cliff's notes reading English major (to clarfiy: I read the Cliff's notes because I didn't read the books, not because I didn't understand things. I'm *sure* I would have completely have grasped any and all material, because, after all, I was an English major). Anyway, Abby is crazy smart but not the kind of smart where she's a jerk. I'm very excited to see her.

Ok, time to go what a movie with my husband.



Kristin said...

Every English major at UR used Cliffs notes at one point. I know I did. Anyone who says they didn't is either a liar or someone I want to punch.

Kristin said...

Yes. I went there and graduated in 2001. You?