Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Sassy lady

Setting: Bejamin Franklin Craft Store, Richmond VA. Early afternoon.

Sassy lady: (yelling across three checkout lanes) Are those your eyelashes?!?!?

Me: Me?

Sassy lady: Yes, you. Are those your eyelashes?

Me: Yes.

Sassy lady: Dammit. (walks out of the door in a huff, shaking her head)

Me: (blink. blink.)


Thank you, Sassy lady?

1 comment:

Tess said...

Sounds kinda like what happened to me yesterday. I was crossing the street in my workout clothes, heading for the Y, and some scruffy-looking, random street dude goes "Keep up the good work. You look good."

I'm like, "Thanks."

So if nothing else, this one random dude on the street thinks I look good. Awesome.