Friday, December 22, 2006

Let the holidays begin!

I finished Christmas shopping today. At least I hope I did. I have this nagging fear in the back of my head that I've forgotten someone very important. If that turns out to be you, I'm very sorry. You shouldn't be upset anyway-it's not your birthday.

Ross and I will be doing our couple's Christmas on Christmas Eve morning. He will then go play football and I will go back to sleep. Church is at 4 (I've never gone to church on Christmas Eve and I'm very excited) and then we have dinner with his parents.

Christmas morning doesn't start until 11am this year (God Bless my sister-in-law who knows how to lay down the law in the most diplomatic of ways), followed by a lasagna dinner at my dad's. I am very very very excited about all of the festivites, I must say. Especially the lasagna.

1 comment:

I'm Jennifer said...

We're having lasagna for our Christmas Eve dinner at my parents house too! I think it's a fabulous Christmas meal.