Tuesday, December 05, 2006


This tattoo itches like no one's business. I had read on some Internets that as the tattoo heals, you might experience some irritation and itching, because, I mean, you had your skin cut on purpose and then had ink put into it. But I mean, c'mon. And as Ross can tell you, I'm really bad about not scratching itches. One reason I don't wear shorts in the summer is because my legs are disgustingly red and scabby from me scratching bug bites with reckless abandon.

I've been doing well with the tattoo though. I don't scratch it at all. I just wince a lot. Like to the point where I think people might believe I have acquired some kind of facial twitch. I'm terrified of removing a scab (yum!) and messing the tattoo up somehow, so it's hands off, at least until the Internets have said I've healed.

P.S. One of my kids had chicken pox and I know sometimes adults get shingles from kids with chicken pox. There's no real reason to think that I will get this, but my constant itching doesn't help with my paranoid tendencies.

1 comment:

Dr Jones said...

mine too. just keep the lotion on it. if you keep it moisturized, it helps with the itching. hope it's healing well!

i think it's kinda funny how the scabs are in color.