(BTW: I’ve decided that everyone should do this. Friends, I really do want to know how you spent your weekend. Make it part of your Monday morning routine.)
Friday day: Found out that there’s a Reams baby on the way, got my flu shot, came home, sat around waiting for Matt and Maura to get here.
Friday night: Have a lovely, long-overdue reunion with Matt and Maura, got an awesome novelty T-shirt from Maura as a belated birthday present, went to Ginger for dinner (mmmmmmmmmm to the max), bought a pint of Smirnoff Ice (classy), went to Matthew’s apartment for some drunken knitting (ALWAYS a good idea) and some double Wii tennis (I have a very sore spot on my hand from when my hand and Justin’s Wii-mote made contact. Watch out, he’s strong AND intense about his Wii tennis).
Saturday day: Woke up incredibly sore from my flu shot and my hours of physical activity from the night before, got a snack of croissants and hot chocolate from Capital Coffee with Maura, went with Maura to get her haircut, took Maura out to lunch at Eddo Squid (much less crowded in the afternoon) for her birthday, ran some errands at Target, came home, said goodbye to Matt and Maura.
Saturday night: Went to Bacchus (yes, more Italian) with Ross and his in-laws, made a random trip to Kroger to buy bread and a mop, wrapped some Christmas presents (bought during my Target errand), yelled at the dogs a lot, realized I was crabby, went to bed by 10:30.
Sunday day: Woke up feeling much better, cleaned the bathroom, watched “America’s Next Top Model” marathon, took a shower, went to church, ate some cookies, came home, fed the dogs, vacuumed the downstairs.
Sunday night: Babysat my friend Remus, changed a gross diaper, read a story, put a baby to bed, folded some laundry, comforted a screaming Remus, brushed my teeth, comforted a once again screaming Remus, handed him off to his parents, off to bed.