Monday, April 09, 2007

What I learned from BodyJam*

1. I cannot dance.
2. Most people cannot dance.
3. I do not like dancing.
4. I do not like people looking at me while I can't dance.
5. I will not go back again.**

*BodyJam is a class at Gold's where you dance a lot. Like, you have to follow steps and stuff. And you dance. For an hour. The whole hour.
**Please check the class out for yourself. I had a lot of fun but it's just not for me.


Anonymous said...

i've done the body jam at the golds here and heart it very much.

i also heart dancing very much though. my second favorite thing to dancing is watching others dance. people seem so happy and free when they dance, i love it!

ALF said...

I love when phanie dances!!!