Tuesday, January 31, 2006

We have no water. But....

we have access to a Temurpedic (sp) mattress. Last night my hubs was very brave. With the help of some of our wonderful friends and my fabulous father-in-law, a hole was dug in our front yard, exposing the leaky pipe. Digging started at 5pm and ended at 1am. They tried to fix the pipe, but with no success. So, after the many hours of working, all of our wonderful helpers went home, took showers to wash off the mud, and went to bed. Ross just went to bed. Neither one of us slept a wink the rest of the night. I arose at 6:30, called my assistant principal to tell him I needed a sub today, and left my dirt, crusty, wonderful husband to go make lesson plans for the day.

I returned just before 8. Ross and I then loaded up a bag with shower necessities and headed over to my in-laws' house. Conveniently, they moved into the house last weekend, but don't live there yet. After taking showers and finally brushing our teeth, we settled in for a long winter's nap on the best mattress in the world. I slept until 3 and didn't move once.

Now we're back at home, spending quality time with the dogs, and packing up clothes for tomorrow. We will return to the in-laws' tonight. A plumber is scheduled to come tomorrow. It was a horrible night last night, but I've realized that we are very blessed to have people willing to give of their time and homes to help us out. Hopefully everything will be back to normal and not caked in mud by the end of the week!

P.S. A huge thanks to all of the boys who came to dig up my yard last night. You guys are amazing!

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