Monday, November 13, 2006

Dear Britney,

I am very, VERY proud of you for making the decision to divorce K-Fed. Normally I don't condone divorce, but since I didn't condone your marriage, I feel like it's ok. I feel like this is a move in the right direction for you. However, *this* probably isn't:

C'mon, honey. First of all, I don't understand why all you young girls are insisting on wearing wigs. I don't care how jacked up your hair might be from not washing it for 2 years during your marriage, or as we'll call it "Period of Super Insanity and Trashiness" (POSIAT), wigs are not good. To top it off, you have a hat on. With a pom-pom on it. While you are wearing a cute little black dress. POSIAT is over. Make a clean break. Take a shower, comb your own hair, put on a little mascara and blush. I said a little. It won't hurt, I promise.

Much love to you, B. I feel like we can be friends again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank goodness you are finally commenting on b, i was waiting!