Friday, May 12, 2006

If my kids knew what "Schizophrenic" was, they would think that I'm that.

Seriously. I can go from Glenda the Good Witch, to the Wicked Witch of the West, and back again in about 2 seconds flat. I had some cheater cheater pumpkin eaters today and after I ripped them each a new one, I was back to my typical, smiling, silly self with the other good children immediately. I find it to be quite an amazing quality, as long as I'm not frightening the children.


Dr Jones said...

kids need to be frightened sometimes

Bryan Harris said...

Dude, I do that all the time. All students in my classes know that both the iron hand of justice and the velvet hand of kindness come swiftly to those who deserve them. Plus, it's much more fun to be unpredictable.

Anonymous said...

so nice to see what other poorly paid RPS teachers are thinking right now. Love reading your blog...and dying to know where you teach.