Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mi esposo, Ross

He takes my iPod and puts music on it without telling me. Sometimes I like this, sometimes I don't. Usually I do because when I push play, it's like a little surprise he made for me. Even though I skip through a lot of songs after 5 seconds.

He leaves his bladder on the dining room table. Not his *real* bladder, but the one that goes with his camelback thing that he wears while biking. I like just calling it his bladder because it sounds absurd.

He gets really mad when people say bad things about marriage. It's the one situation where I think he would actually get into a fight with someone.

He love love loves his parents.

He demands that infants do tricks in order to keep him entertained. If they don't, he openly mocks them.

He calls my sister his sister and my brother his brother. None of this in-law mess.

He often stands in the shower with his eyes closed and his arms crossed across his chest, looking very formidable. This is the only time he looks formidable. Ever.

He never yells.

When he finds a good restaurant, book, movie, anything really, he will tell everyone he knows about it, in detail. Everyone. And I'm usually there for each time he tells them.

He loves me more than he loves anyone. HA! Suck it, fools!

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