I spend a lot of time talking about my epileptic dog on here. I have another dog though. Her name is Zapp (yes, with 2 p's), and I would like to tell you about her.
1. She is tall, pretty, skinny, and dumb-just like a model.
2. She has several polka dots on her tongue.
3. Her tail wags from the moment she wakes up until she falls asleep. And sometimes while she is asleep.
4. She doesn't use her barker very much, but when she does it's very loud and hound-dog like.
5. She loves to shake.
6. When Shooter igonores her, she pets him until he gives her attention.
7. She loves going up skirts. This is because she loves vaginas. Sorry but it's true.
8. Digging sends her into a euphoric fit.
9. She'll pee anytime, anywhere, just tell her to go.
10. She loves to sit in my office with me and stare out the porch door. It is the only time she stays still for more than two minutes.
11. She knows the way to piss Shooter off is to bite his bling (also known as his dog tags-you don't mess with a queen's accessories).
12. She tries to sneak up on the couch like a seal gets up on land.
13. She burps a lot.
14. She hates to be brushed.
15. She still lets Shooter be boss even though she's faster and bigger. I think she does it to make him feel good.
What can I say? I love her. That's right. I posted a lovey list about my dog. I'm sure she'd do the same thing for me if she could. I bet she'd post about how I'm nice cause I feed her and call her "Zappalong" and rub her belly and sing songs to her, like "I'm So Excited."