Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Save some holy water for me!

Sooooooooo a lot of you might not know this, but I was never baptized as a baby. My mom had "issues" with organized religion, so she just never had it done. We were sent to Sunday school to learn "the basics" when we were really small, but then left to our own devices as we trudged our way into adulthood.

Not being baptized was a non-issue when I was a non-Christian. But now that I am "one of those" (Who hearts the quotation marks tonight?), it is a major personal issue for me. I appreciate where my mom was coming from, and I'm excited that it's something I get to choose to do. But it's been in the back of my mind for a while. Ross likes to joke and tell me that I'm going to hell. Atleast I think he's joking. Anyway, I decided when I was around 18 that I did want to get baptized as an outward expression of my faith. However, I was 18 and had no follow through whatsoever. Now, 6 years later (it makes me sick to my stomach to think that was a whole first-grader ago) I have managed to, as I have mentioned, acquire a hubby, a car, 2 dogs, and a house. Now I'm trying to get me a preacher and a baptism. I've already contacted the pastor of the church that Ross and I semi-attend to get the baptismal ball rolling, as they say. Or as I say. Anyway, just wanted to share that. Do with it what you will. But I'm just saying, I fully expect a truckload of those "Congratulations on Your Baptism" money holders stuffed with cash once the occasion is upon us.


mbs said...

which ones are the guys who wait till their deathbeds to get baptized, so they can live their whole lives in sin, then get it all washed away just in time? i always thought that was a smart idea. stick it to the Man, you know ;)

Daniel said...

That's cool that you want to do it now. Just from the experiences of some friends, you should consider getting someone who has been meaningful to your faith to baptise you and not just some pastor guy. I've been to(and been a part of) a couple of events like that that were very meaningful.

Val said...

Yeah, I'm not set on this guy doing the baptism, I just need some guidance as to how to go about getting it done.

Anonymous said...

I mean I could dunk you in a swimming pool like I did your hubs, that was fun!

Matthew McDonald said...

when i was a baby i got baptized. and the water boiled as it touched my skin. it was weird.

Val said...

I'm just trying to figure out what my options are. It's not like I want to be dressed in a long lacy gown and have my mother hold me over a bowl of water.

Daniel said...

That's cool. My suggestion would be to make it meaningful to you. Get some good friends together, get a place(James River, heated pool, etc), get someone who has been meaningful to your faith to do it, and make a celebration out of it! If I can help in any way, let me know.