Monday, November 14, 2005

Hormones make you hormonal. AWhaaaahhhhhh?!?!?!?!

The makers of the birth control patch Ortho-Evra issued a warning on Thursday that women taking this Patch get 60% more estrogen than women just taking the Pill. 60 effing percent! Apparently this is because when you take the Pill, most of the estrogen is absorbed into the bloodstream and digestive tract, causing about half of it to be "lost." Women on the Patch are getting a constant dose of estrogen throughout the day, making them more at risk for such side effects and blood clots. Or in my case, craziness.

I went on the Patch the last month of my senior year of college. I was all "I'm too busy to take the Pill and I just don't have time to, blah blah blah." Translation: I'm lazy and don't like having to *bring* them places and having to *remember* to take them. So I went on the Patch. And then I went insane. I would call Ross one minute, being totally in love with him and gushing about our impending nuptials, and the next minute be crying, insisting that he was only marrying me out of convenience. I called my doctor and literally said this, "Ever since I went on the Patch I've been going crazy and I cry a lot. Is that normal?" He said no and told me to take the Patch off. About an hour later I was completely fine. I've been with the good ol' fashioned Pill ever since. Moral of the story: Don't be lazy or you'll be crazy...and dead from blood clots.

1 comment:

Maura said...

My friend, Sarah, told me there was a woman on her block that got on the patch. Everyone had a name for her - it was "the bitch".

I am glad that you are not crazy, or dead!!!!!