Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Are we as awesome as we think we are?

I saw Matthew and Morgan last night when Matthew was getting a super discount on our new phones. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen these together, but they are super cute and both seem to be so secure in their relationship. I mean, I don’t know if/how much they fight or whatever, but they seem to genuinely enjoy being around each other. Anyway, it makes me wonder how Ross and I seem to other people. We talk about all the time about how we are the *most* obnoxious people we know, but we also think we are incredibly hilarious.


Anonymous said...

We are definitely as awesome -- if not awesomer -- as we think we are.

I'd like to see Matthew and Morgan yell crazy shit at the dogs. THEY PROBABLY COULDN'T.

Matthew McDonald said...

thanks val!

true story. one time morgan and i went to 4th street. and i think we were being so awesome/cute that a cop that was eating there paid for our food. BAM!

also I can yell crazy shit at dogs dude. I can!