Friday, September 23, 2005

Can we talk about Hillary Duff?

I have spent many a Wednesday night with my good friend i heart dorks scouring the pages of U.S. Weekly and People magazine, judging celebs and watching MTV. Looking back, I realized that while our conversations tended to be heavy on the Britney Spears speculations (i.e., why is her hair so gross, why is she gestating in her arms, and how has she descended so rapidly into white trashdom?) a lot of our time was spent talking about Lindsay Lohan and Hillary Duff. It was decided early that since Lindsay Lohan looked like she smells like hotdogs that the Duffster was the front runner in the race for our sought-after support and endorsement. However, I must admit that my opinions have changed and I've swayed the other way. Case in point:

Hillary Duff circa winter, early 2005:

Here she is in all her All-American glory. Cute, unassuming, and sweet.

Cut to September 2005 and we have this:

"I've got these, like, brand new teeth and I just might eat you with them."

Now I don't wanna be mean or judgemental (even though those are two things I am very good at) but seriously, did she think we weren't gonna notice? So, I'm left with no choice but to declare my support for the Lohan side.

Party on, Sweaty Hot Dog Girl. Party on.


Maura said...

Re: Lindsay Lohan: a) she looks like Christina Aquleria b) Oscar Myer permiates that photo.

Re: Hillary Duff: eat some rice...please!

Anonymous said...

Sigh, I didn't want to have to bring up this picture:

this picture:

or this picture:

but you made me do it Valeree Lynn. You made me do it.

Anonymous said...

Also, I kind of think that Lindsay Lohan smells like latex and The Waffle House where as Hillary Duff smells like cotton candy and VO5, but that's just me.

Maura said...

good smell assessments couch! I might have to agree. I particularly love pointing out celebs that smell like the morning after pill - but I feel like I say it too much.